Benefits of Yoga for Kids


When children practice yoga, they naturally develop strength, flexibility, balance, and co-ordination. But, even more important, they shift the stress response in their nervous system, and learn to go from “fight or flight” to “rest and relax.” This reduces the harmful affects of stress in the body. Learning to slow down, take a deep breath, and find their center can help release toxins and tension in the body.


A growing body of research has shown that yoga can improve focus, memory, academic performance, and classroom behavior. It can also help children with symptoms of ADHD, such as impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattention. Learning to clear the mind helps improve concentration and can lead to better learning outcomes. When we are relaxed, we all learn better!


Yoga can help children learn to tune into their bodies and become aware of what they are feeling. This helps the child learn to self regulate, giving them to tools to make better choices in behavior and habits. Yoga also can help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety while improving confidence and body awareness. Practicing and improving yoga poses can help to develop self confidence and self esteem. Children learn that if they keep trying, they can do it!


Kid’s Yoga and Multiple Intelligence


Yoga for Physical Education